Forensic Medicine


The Department of Forensic Medicine is medical specialty which deals with the application of medical knowledge in the part of administration of justice. An expert in Forensic Medicine deals with medico legal cases, postmortem work. It deals Accidental, Suicide and Homedale, victim cases, examination of rape victim and rape accused, examination for issue of drunkenness and injury certificate, examination of person and evidence for age estimation etc. In course of work a Forensic expert is also involved in expert opinions and court evidences. The Department works closely with the police & Magistrates in various Medico Legal Cases and is also involved in training doctors on the medico legal cases.

Forensic Toxicology: It deals any substance in any form, entering into a living body through any route or coming in contact with body surface. That will produce ill health or death by its local or remote action. The difference between drug and poison is only on the dose because drug in over dose may become a poison and a poison in low dose may be a drug. The dose makes the poison.

It deals with properties of toxins lethal dose lethal period sign and symptoms, Antidote and treatment, post mortem changes.

It also deals snake venom poisons, insect poisons and food poison.

The Department of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology is currently providing training in subject specialty of Forensic Medicine to medical students. It is also engaged in performing medico-legal duties like postmortem examinations and medico-legal examinations.