Medical Education Unit, Swamy Vivekanandha Medical College Hospital and Research Institute has conducted first Faculty Development Programme on “AN OVERVIEW ON COMPETENCY BASED MEDICAL EDUCATION” on 11th August 2022 at the MEU Hall. The Programme was conducted to provide sensitization about new CBME curriculum to the teaching faculties of our institution.OurMedical Director Prof Dr.K.Prakasam , M.S (Ortho) D.Ortho., D.Sc(Hons)., and Dean Prof Dr. Edwin  Joe M.D .,B.L., inaugurated the Programme. The introduction about the program was given by our MEU Coordinator Prof Dr.P.Sasikala, M.D.,

Totally 30 faculties participated in this sensitization program and they were split in to 6 groups of 5 each. All the sessions were interactive and involved active participation of all the participants. The program  started with a pre test which has 10 MCQ’s to be answered by the faculties and ended with the post test with the same set of questions. There were 8 sessions on various new modules, teaching methodologies, assessment techniques and new inclusions of this curriculum, Resource persons of our MEU unit, enlightened the faculties with their commendable talk on each topic.

Feedback regarding the program was collected after the end all the sessions. Few participants gave their individual reflections about the program and all the participants and resource persons received certificates.